AFENET conducts community defaulter tracking for catch-up vaccination in Uganda’s Hoima District
Mr. Joseph Magoola, AFENET epidemiologist addressing district health workers during the community defaulter tracking for catch-up vaccination in Hoima District As a way of enhancing immunization coverage in Hoima District,
AFENET and the National TB and Leprosy Program (NTLP) conduct follow-up assessments for Tuberculosis Clinic-Laboratory Interface Continuous Quality Improvement (CLICQI) in Uganda
Jane Babirye of the National TB Reference Laboratory conducting a document review with Musinguzi Moses, ART clinic in-charge Kyangwali HCIV, Hoima district, Uganda The African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET), in
Uganda study on adverse events of special interest post Covid-19 vaccination conducts review
Participants of the Hospital-Based Sentinel Surveillance Study for Adverse Events of Special Interest (HBSSS-AESI), review meeting in Kampala Dr. Achoda Daniel, the Assistant National Coordinator for Hospital Sentinel Site Surveillance
MakSPH, AFENET join hands to strengthen mortality surveillance systems in two island districts in Uganda
FGD with village health team (VHT) team members of Bujjumba sub county at Bwendero HC III The African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET) joined researchers from Makerere University School of Public
Le Mali lance la cohorte 11 du programme de formation en épidémiologie de terrain de première ligne
Coordinateur de la lutte contre la Poliomyélite de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé et le Conseiller Résident une partie de la salle Du 13 au 17 mai 2024, la Faculté
La Côte d’Ivoire renforce ses capacités épidémiologiques avec le lancement d’un programme avancé de formation en épidémiologie de terrain
Présidium session d’orientation des enseignants. D-G: Dr Paquin (UAOB), Dr Philip Rick (CDC), Pr Ekra (DG INSP&PD), Dr seogo (RTC WAF), Dr Tiembré (Coordonnateur CIV FETP), Abidjan,Mai 2024 Travaillant à