
Field epidemiology training program takes swift action as cholera spreads in Tanzania

Since mid-December 2023, Tanzania has grappled with a cholera outbreak spreading across eight regions, affecting communities and claiming lives. As of 18 January 2024, the reported cases stood at 490 and 11 fatalities, reflecting a Case Fatality Rate of 2.24%. The most impacted regions are Simiyu (234 cases), Shinyanga (110 cases), and Mwanza (100 cases).

Responding to this public health crisis, the Tanzania Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (TFELTP) has swiftly mobilized residents and graduates to the affected regions. Their primary objective is to bolster local capacity for outbreak response, reinforce surveillance and data collection, provide technical expertise, and enhance community engagement.

Epidemiological Investigations: TFELTP’s dedicated team, comprising residents, graduates, and other public health professionals, has undertaken rigorous epidemiological investigations to comprehend the extent and origins of the cholera outbreak. This comprehensive approach includes:

Surveillance Strengthening: The TFELTP team has prioritized reinforcing cholera surveillance in the affected regions through targeted initiatives, such as: 

Risk Communication and Community Engagement: Recognizing the crucial role of community involvement, TFELTP residents, graduates, and other public health professionals are actively engaging with communities to: 

TFELTP resident and other health staff collecting water samples from shallow wells near Tundu River
TFELTP residents and graduates during a community sensitization meeting
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