what we do

We strive to foster the professional development of field epidemiologists, competent in the practical application of epidemiologic methods to a wide range of public health problems. We also provide technical support to ministries of health and/or national public health institutes for planning, implementation and evaluation of FETPs. We work with several partners whose roles are spelled out in a memorandum of understanding. Key partners include: National MOH/NPHIs, academic institutions, Africa CDC and the US CDC. Emphasis is placed on the following strategic actions:
  • Strengthening existing FETPs to increase enrolment & quality of training
  • Facilitating accreditation of FETPs
  • Supporting countries to initiate & implement FETPs to address the human resource gap in field epidemiology. Where countries cannot feasibly run stand-alone programs, we facilitate the initiation and implementation of regional FETPs
  • Reviewing FETP curricula to address skills gaps in public health practice (e.g. inclusion of new diseases, events, technological advancements, GIS)
  • Facilitating development of case studies as learning aides for FETPs
  • Providing support to MOH surveillance units in outbreak investigation and response

Our goal is to strengthen the capacity of laboratories to provide timely and accurate information to guide clinical management of cases of disease both routinely and during public health emergencies. Emphasis is on the following strategic actions: 

  1. Supporting laboratories to work towards accreditation
  2. Helping countries develop national laboratory strategic plans
  3. Facilitating training of laboratorians in various specialties such as equipment maintenance and calibration, field epidemiology, data management and others
  4. Strengthening quality of point of care HIV and TB testing
  5. Supporting countries to establish and implement specimen referral networks
  6. Installation of laboratory management systems
  7. Procurement of equipment and reagents

We support countries through FE(L)TPs to build capacity for surveillance and public health emergency response. Emphasis is on the following strategic actions: 

  1. Evaluating surveillance systems 
  2. Providing technical support for implementation of surveillance systems 
  3. Facilitating cross-border & port of entry surveillance and outbreak investigation and response
  4. Facilitating the use of best surveillance practices such as real-time reporting, bulletins and use of standard operating procedures (SOPs)
  5. Supporting training of health workers in surveillance best practices
  6. Support surveillance documentation as well as development and dissemination of early warning indicators against epidemics
  7. Supporting the adoption of new technologies for surveillance 
  8. Strengthening emergency management and capability for managing Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) 
  9. Deploying FETP residents and graduates under the AFENET Corps of Disease Detectives (ACoDD) to provide surge support for outbreak investigation and response
  10. Prepositioning funds through an outbreak revolving fund to kick start outbreak response activities within countries

We implement public health programs with a view to helping countries reduce morbidity and mortality due to preventable diseases and conditions. Some of the disease control initiatives implemented focus on:

1.     Immunization systems strengthening

a.     Polio eradication

b.     Investigation and response to outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases

c.     Operational research

d.     Data management

2.     HIV prevention and control including prevalence surveys

3.     Laboratory systems strengthening

4.     Malaria prevention and control

5.     Tuberculosis prevention and control

6.     Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs)

We also work with ministries of health and other partners to conceptualize, plan and implement research and field studies that provide information which guides public health planning and programming. Some of the research we have conducted focuses on:

1.     Cardiovascular diseases

2.     Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)

3.     Childhood cancers

4.     Vaccination coverage


Competitive mini-grants are awarded to FETP residents and graduates to carry out operational research, whose findings inform action within the communities where they work.

This area places emphasis on advancing the sharing of regional expertise in field epidemiology and laboratory practice. Emphasis is on the following strategic actions: 

  1. Conducting and attending experience-sharing conferences and meetings
  2. Facilitating faculty exchange amongst FETPs
  3. Strengthening inter-country collaboration such as joint outbreak investigations and cross-border surveillance
  4. Facilitating the sharing of training materials among programs
  5. Promoting racial, gender, and ethnic diversity and inclusion at all levels of public health practice
  6. Fostering partnerships with national, regional, international, and private entities

To contribute to the body of scientific knowledge and share our experiences with the global public health community, we actively document and disseminate our work through our website, social media pages, Annual Reports and other media. Emphasis is placed on the following strategic actions:

  1. Strengthening knowledge management across the network 
  2. Supporting scientific writing and publication through the Journal of Interventional Epidemiology and Public Health (JIEPH) and other peer-reviewed journals
  3. Disseminating success stories of the work done across the network 
  4. Facilitating programs to document and disseminate their experiences

Public health threats at the human-animal-environmental interface continue to be a challenge globally. We continue to embrace and advocate for multisectoral collaboration in public health practice. Emphasis is placed on the following strategic actions:

  1. Supporting the establishment of national and regional one health platforms in Africa
  2. Facilitating one health disease prioritization
  3. Facilitating capacity-building initiatives using a one health approach (Personnel from human, environmental and animal sectors are trained jointly 
  4. Participating in multisectoral outbreak investigation and response

Other Product Lines

Human Resource Management

  • We recruit and second employees to different strategic partners.
  • We manage the process from sourcing, onboarding, payroll and contract management

 Public Health Logistics Management

  • Events management
  • Travel logistics management
  • Medical supplies and equipment – ventilators, laboratory reagents & equipment, medicines

Fund Management

  • Serve as a fiduciary agent for several partners

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