
Frontline FETP Cohort 24 concludes Workshop 1 in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The Ministry of Public Health, Hygiene and Prevention, in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Atlanta and the African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET), has successfully conducted the first workshop for Cohort 24 of the Frontline Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) at the Jedra and Sisters Hotel in Lubumbashi from June 29 to July 3, 2024. This program aims to enhance the DRC’s capacity to swiftly identify and respond to public health threats, this cohort focuses on malaria control with the goal of

The five-day workshop was attended by epidemiological surveillance officers from the Lualaba and Haut Katanga Provincial Health Divisions. The sessions covered a range of topics, including public health surveillance, malaria-specific surveillance, data collection, data quality, DHIS2 introduction, routine and epidemic malaria data analysis, data interpretation, and the “One Health” approach. The participants have commenced their field work where they are expected to apply their new skills under their mentor’s supervision. The workshop was made possible through the support of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Security, CDC Atlanta, PMI, CHISU, AFENET and the dedicated participants and facilitators. The second workshop is expected from August 26 – 30, 2024.

Speech by the CD of the Haut Katanga DPS at the opening of FETP workshop 1 for cohort 24, Lubumbashi, June 29, 2024
Participants working on summary statistics exercises at FETP Workshop 1, Cohort 24, Lubumbashi, June 30, 2024
Overview of the room with participants taking the pre-tests on training in field epidemiology, malaria surveillance and DHIS2 at Workshop 1, Lubumbashi, June 29, 2024.
Facilitator teaching the summary statistics module at FETP Workshop 1 for cohort 24, Lubumbashi, June 30, 2024
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