
Mali Intermediate FETP Cohort IV holds 1st training workshop

The first training of the fourth intermediate cohort of Mali began at Point G in Bamako on August 28, 2023 and will continue until September 8, 2023 at the Faculty of Medicine and Odontostomatology (FMOS) of the University of Bamako in Mali.

This workshop, like the first two, was organized by the General Directorate of Health and Public Hygiene (DGSHP) with technical support from the AFENET-Mali team through funding from the Global Fund.

The cohort is made up of 15 residents, including 13 from the Ministry of Health and Social Development, one (1) from the Ministry of Livestock and one (1) from the Ministry of Environment.

The opening ceremony was chaired by Head of the epidemiological surveillance section of the General Directorate of Health and Public Hygiene, he had at his side, the dean of the Faculty of Medicine and odontostomatology, the Country Director from CDC Mali.

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