Ms. Agnes K. Barungi

Ms. Barungi has served as the Head of Finance at AFENET) since 2018. She has over seventeen years of experience in three major areas:
1. Financial Management of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) where her key achievements include planning for and overseeing expenditure of approximately USD 64 million in a period of one year on a highly demanding and time-sensitive program, developing risk reduction systems for high levels of cash payments, and managing cash flows.
al audits.
2. Building capacity of organizations to strengthen their finance and administration systems to ensure organization sustainability of the organizations and to enhance effectiveness of operations. She has developed a training curriculum and conducted training in USAID Compliance, Sub-grant Management, Finance for Non-Finance Managers and Grant Close-out.
3. Internal and external audit conduct in both NGO and corporate entities, including assisting organizations to prepare for, as well as manage financiPrior to joining AFENET, Ms. Barungi worked as the Country Finance Manager for Malaria Consortium in Uganda, where she successfully managed the one year, $24 million Universal Long Lasting Insecticide-treated Nets (LLIN) distribution campaign across Uganda. Key to the success of the project was ensuring compliance to multiple funders’ requirements (Global Fund, USAID, DFID and UNICEF) and ensuring cash payments to over 90,000 community health workers. Other initiatives that Ms Barungi supported at Malaria Consortium include 18 million 5-year USAID-funded Stop Malaria Project and five Comic Relief-funded projects with budgets ranging from GBP 500,000 to GBP1.5 million for periods between two to three years, amongst others.
Before this, Ms Barungi worked as respectively as Finance and Administration Manager/Compliance Specialist, and Finance Manager for the NuPITA and UPHOLD Projects at John Snow Inc in Uganda (2008- 2012).
Ms Barungi is a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).