Le ministre de la Santé du Burkina Faso soutient l’enquête CAP sur la dengue de la cohorte 4 du FETP
Un résident mène une enquête auprès d’un ménage en présence du ministre de la Santé, Bobo-Dioulasso, le 9 août 2024. Le ministre de la Santé du Burkina Faso, le Dr

Zambia National Public Health Institute launches Intermediate Field Epidemiology Training Program to strengthen public health security
DG ZNPHI (Second from left), giving official opening remarks. Next to DG on his left is US CDC Acting Director Ms Racheal Johnson. On the far right is Dr James

Togo Field Epidemiology Training Program holds scientific manuscript writing workshop for graduates and trainees
A cross-section of the participants at the Togo FETP Scientific Writing Workshop, Kpalime August 12-16, 2022 In a bid to share the robust field experiences of the graduates and trainees

Cérémonie de remise de diplôme aux gradués de la 4ème cohorte de FETP-Intermédiaire du Togo
Vue d’ensemble avec les gradués, les autorités et le coordonnateur terrain du Bénin venu en appui au programme La cérémonie de remise des diplômes de la dernière cohorte du Programme

AFENET partners with health ministry to conduct operational research to support onchocerciasis elimination in Uganda
Dr Alfred Mubangizi, the Uganda NTD Program Manager, addressing the research team during training, Boma Hotel, Kitgum, 05 August 2024. Dr Ben Masiira, AFENET NTD Technical Lead (standing on left),

Sierra Leone FETP building the capacity of its graduates and current trainees on manuscript writing and peer-review
Group photo at the opening ceremony of the manuscript writing and peer-review workshop, 15- 19 July 2024, Atlantic Lumley, Freetown, Sierra Leone Dr. Mohamed Vandi, Deputy Executive Director of the