Le Mali lance la cohorte 11 du programme de formation en épidémiologie de terrain de première ligne
Coordinateur de la lutte contre la Poliomyélite de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé et le Conseiller Résident une partie de la salle Du 13 au 17 mai 2024, la Faculté

La Côte d’Ivoire renforce ses capacités épidémiologiques avec le lancement d’un programme avancé de formation en épidémiologie de terrain
Présidium session d’orientation des enseignants. D-G: Dr Paquin (UAOB), Dr Philip Rick (CDC), Pr Ekra (DG INSP&PD), Dr seogo (RTC WAF), Dr Tiembré (Coordonnateur CIV FETP), Abidjan,Mai 2024 Travaillant à

African field epidemiology training programs set to enhance curriculum with noncommunicable disease case studies
Participants at the FETP Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) integration Case study workshop in Kampala, Uganda The situation of Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in sub-Saharan Africa is worrying and a cause for concern

Horn of Africa regional disaster preparedness and response training of trainers held in Djibouti
R-L Director General of the National Institute of Health Dr Houssein Youssouf Darar, President of Regional Council Arta Elmi Bouh Prefect of the Arta region Hassan Dabaleh, The Secretary General

AFENET, DRC’s health ministry and partners unite for urgent action against spiralling Mpox outbreak
In the wake of an escalating Mpox epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET), in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and partners

Uganda embarks on country-wide evaluation of school health services
(Left-Right) Dr. John Kamulegeya – Epidemiologist, AFENET, a nurse at St Mugagga Vocational Secondary School, Kindu, Masaka district, and Dr. Rose Nampeera, Epidemiologist at AFENET In a bid to enhance