Plan stratégique FETP du Burkina Faso 2024-2028
Vue d’ensemble des membres du comité lors de la session, Comité de pilotage FETP, Burkina Faso, janvier 2024 Photo des membres autour du président, Comité de pilotage FETP, Burkina Faso,
Child vaccination drive launched in Uganda’s Arua City after measles outbreak
The measles vaccination campaign in Arua District, Uganda spearheaded by the Ministry of Health and supported by AFENET The AFENET team support the vaccination campaign against measles disease in Arua
Somalia graduates the 5th Cohort of Frontline FETP
The Somalia State Minister for Health and Human Services, Her Excellence Dr Maryam Mohamed Hussein officiated the graduation ceremony of the 5th Cohort of the Somalia Frontline FETP which was
Cholera Outbreak in Lusaka: Zambia Field Epidemiology Training Program undertakes contact tracing
In response to the cholera outbreak in Lusaka, the Zambia Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) has undertaken contact tracing efforts within the George and Garden compounds of the capital city
24 nouveaux gradués FETP frontline ‘’One Health’’ pour renforcer la santé publique de la Mauritanie
Son Excellence Madame la ministre de la Santé, Madame Naha Hamdi MOUKNASS, a présidé le 1er février 2024 la cérémonie de sortie de la sixième cohorte du programme de formation
Zambia Field Epidemiology Training Program bolsters fight against deadly cholera outbreak
Dr Deborah Tembo – FETP graduate and supporting the Public Health Emergency Operation Center (EOC), standing next to a cholera treatment center a Chilanga Urban Clinc, Chilanga on 1 February