Shadowing a field epidemiologist during a polio vaccination campaign in Uganda
AFENET’s Dr Kevin Mugenyi (C) and Mr Martin Ronald Manzi discussing vaccine stocks with the Buwenge General Hospital Vaccines Accountability Manager Ms Alisat Mukyala Uganda’s ministry of Health early this

Quatrième atelier de la Cohorte 4 du FETP intermédiaire au Burkina Faso : Renforcement des compétences épidémiologiques avant la graduation
Photo de famille. Présence du directeur général de la santé et hygiène publique, de la Directrice générale du partenariat avec les ONG, les mentors, les résidents et la coordination AFENET,

DR Congo frontline FETP graduation of Cohort 24, Lubumbashi
Since 2013, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been strengthening its public health workforce through the Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP). The country launched its Advanced FETP in 2013,

AFENET joins Uganda’s Ministry of Health to launch mass polio immunization campaign following outbreak
AFENET, in collaboration with Uganda’s Ministry of Health, has launched the first of two mass polio immunization campaigns targeting 49 districts. This campaign follows the declaration of a polio outbreak

Mozambique implements electronic death registration system to streamline vital data collection
Provincial coordinators visiting the Michafutene cemetery as part of the electronic death registration system Information and communication technologies have become vital in modern health systems due to their ability to

Uganda adopts new testing protocol after 5th onchocerciasis triannual prevalence survey
US CDC Microbiologist Mr. Scott Elder in a discussion with Uganda NTD Laboratory Technician Ms Christine Nahabwe It is now 12 years since AFENET started collaborating with the Uganda ministry