
Public health workforce development: 2nd Cohort of Intermediate FETP launched in Northern Mozambique

Launch of the 2nd cohort of the Intermediate FETP, with the presence of the Nampula Provincial Delegate of the National Institute of Health, the Resident Advisor of the FETP, the Coordinator of the Intermediate FETP, Mentors (graduates of the 4th, 5th, and 6th Advanced FETP cohorts), and trainees of the 2nd Intermediate FETP cohort.

The Mozambique Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP), hosted by the National Health Institute (NHI), launched the second cohort of its Intermediate FETP in the North Region of Mozambique. The first workshop took place from July 8-12, with 16 participants from Cabo Delgado, Nampula, and Niassa Provinces.

The program is implemented using the “One Health” approach, emphasizing the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health. Participants were drawn from the Provincial Health Directorates, Provincial Health Services, and the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Food Security across the three provinces. The cohort included provincial surveillance officers, human and animal health surveillance focal points, and data managers.

The regional approach to the implementation has the strategic objective of improving disease surveillance, preparing for possible public health emergencies, and strengthening regional capacities and collaborations, particularly in border and conflict areas. By enhancing the skills and knowledge of local health professionals, the program aims to strengthen the overall health security and resilience of the North Region of Mozambique.

The figure shows a mentor (a graduate of the 6th Advanced FETP cohort) interacting with trainees of the 2nd Intermediate FETP cohort about choosing topics for a surveillance system evaluation.
A trainee from the 2nd Intermediate FETP cohort presenting on the consolidation of the Ishikawa diagram development.
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