Zambia FETP celebrates its tenth anniversary and hosts its third alumni conference

The 3rd FETP Alumni Conference, which took place in Lusaka in September 2024, commemorated the 10-year anniversary of the Zambia Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP), marking a significant accomplishment. Attendees at the event included graduates, trainees, partners, and important stakeholders. It demonstrated the remarkable strides Zambia has made in the last 10 years to combat health security challenges and build public health capacity.
Thus far, 334 Frontline trainees and 43 alumni of the Advanced ZFETP program have completed their training. The intermediate field epidemiology training program, which lasts up to nine months, has begun to be implemented in Zambia; the first cohort is currently in its second field interval.
In celebrating its 10th anniversary ZFETP held a three-day 3rd Alumni Conference with the theme, “Zambia FETP in action: Shaping the future of public health security in Zambia and beyond”. The conference was graced by the Permanent Secretary – Technical Services under the Ministry of Health, the Acting Country Director – US CDC, Regional Director – Africa CDC, Southern Region Collaborating Centre, Zambia National Public Health – Acting Director General, United Kingdom Health Security Agency country lead and a Representative from the World Health Organization.
Over the three-day conference, there were four Keynote speeches from two former Resident Advisors, (Dr. Kip Burgett and Dr. Jonas Hines), AFENET Representative, Dr. Hebert Kazoora and the Chairperson of the ZFETP Steering Committee, Professor Godfrey Biemba. There were also some post-graduation FETP Field experiences shared by Alumni of the ZFETP posted in different organizations across the continent. The afternoon of the first day was spent celebrating the program’s 10 years in existence. There were a total of 29 poster and 10 oral presentations from residents and Alumni of the FETP. The conference was attended by 100 alumni include current trainees.
During the conference, outstanding alumni and trainees were recognized for their contributions to public health. Awards were presented to Frontline and Advanced FETP graduates with best oral and best post presentations.
As Zambia commemorates ten years of FETP accomplishments, the program’s future appears promising. The country’s public health systems will be strengthened and the program’s ability to train additional epidemiologists will be enhanced by the continued funding from partners including the U.S. CDC, The World Bank, AFENET, and the Global Fund. The program’s reach has been extended to all 10 provinces in Zambia with the recent introduction of the Intermediate FETP tier, which has improved the nation’s health security.
With the combined efforts of its trainees, partners, and alumni, Zambia’s FETP is well-positioned to carry on protecting public health for the ensuing ten years and beyond.
This celebration of the 10-year anniversary and the 3rd Alumni Conference stands as a testament to Zambia’s commitment to developing a robust field epidemiology workforce dedicated to protecting the health of its people.
The residents were greatly moved by an exceptional call to action made by the acting CDC Country Director: “To our alumni: “you are the torchbearers of this program. The knowledge and skills you acquired are powerful tools – use them, share them generously, and continue to make a difference in the lives of those you serve”. The FETP branded vests you wear is an insignia of service. Wear it for service. Your successes are a source of inspiration to the residents that are still in training”.