The African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET) is a not-for-profit networking and service organization dedicated to improving health outcomes of the communities we serve in liaison with ministries of health and other partners. Strengthening capacity for public health preparedness and response through Field Epidemiology (and Laboratory) Training Programs {FE(L)TPs}, and other applied epidemiology training programs is one of our core activities.
Established in 2005 with our Secretariat in Kampala, Uganda, we have presence in over 40 countries and at least 700 personnel in various locations.
Day 2 of the #Ebola active case search in Kampala, Uganda, kicked off with a debrief at the Public Health Emergency Operations Center (PHEOC), focusing on key challenges in documentation and surveillance. Read more here: https://afenet.net/day-2-of-the-ebola-active-case-search-in-uganda-strengthening-surveillance-and-community-engagement/
Makerere University Public Health students recount hands-on experience in Ebola case finding in Uganda
The first day of the case-finding activity began with an orientation session at the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) offices at the Ministry of Health (MoH). The briefing was… https://x.com/i/web/status/1887145161412530230
Just published in our Journal of Interventional Epidemiology and Public Health (#JIEPH) >> https://www.afenet-journal.net/content/series/8/1/4/full/ https://x.com/i/web/status/1887068749083148325
Just published in our Journal of Interventional Epidemiology and Public Health >> https://www.afenet-journal.net/content/series/8/1/3/full/
Dans le cadre de la collaboration One Health, les résidents de la cohorte 16 du FETP Frontline du CHUR de Ouahigouya ont effectué une visite intersectorielle au poste vétérinaire de Ouahigouya, intégrant la santé animale et humaine.
Lors de cette visite, ils ont assisté au… https://x.com/i/web/status/1886374252347027627
Investigation de cas suspects de méningite au Au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Régional de Ouahigouya, région du Nord, Burkina Faso par les deux residents FETP Frontline cohorte 16 de la dite structure, Entretien avec le personnel du service de Pédiatrie