AFENET Hosts UNCST for Inspection and Supervision Visit
On 7 August 2024, the AFENET Secretariat had the honor of hosting a team from the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST) for an important inspection and supervision

Tanzania FELTP conducts regional and national supervisors workshops
Dr Mucho Mizinduko, Head of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at MUHAS, responding to a question during the Regional Supervisors Workshop Regional Site Supervisors participating in discussions during the

Sierra Leone FETP graduated its 16th frontline and 7th Intermediate FETP Cohorts
Deputy Executive Director of NPHA Dr. Mohamed A Vandi Making statement during the graduation at Radisson Blu Hotel, July 29, 2024 The Resident Advisor SLFETP, Dr. Gebrekrstus Negash Gebru, presenting

What worked for us in measles vaccination campaign: Kibuku District- Uganda
L-R: Kibuku District Health Officer Dr Godfrey Buyinza speaking Ministry of Health’s Ms Drucilla Ssekandi and AFENET’s Dr Rose Nanpeera and Ms Maria Amanya When in mid-July Kibuku became the

Somalia’s Cohort 6 frontline FETP focus on immunization and laboratory system strengthening
Resident of the fourth cohort of the Somalia FETP frontline and community vaccinators, in a polio campaign in Mogadishu, July 2024 Somalia is strategically positioned at the crossroads of trade

Public health workforce development: 2nd Cohort of Intermediate FETP launched in Northern Mozambique
Launch of the 2nd cohort of the Intermediate FETP, with the presence of the Nampula Provincial Delegate of the National Institute of Health, the Resident Advisor of the FETP, the