GEEKS project drives advancements in E-health with district-level support supervision
In a bid to bolster national health information systems, the Growing Expertise in E-Health Knowledge and Skills (GEEKS) program, a 12-month applied informatics training initiative under the African Field Epidemiology

AFENET Director calls for mainstreaming of climate change into health policy and actions
“In the quest to ensure the health of our populations, we must pay attention to climate change and invest heavily in it. This demands political commitment and good governance, multisectoral

South Korean Government recognises AFENET Board chair for exceptional work in development cooperation
AFENET Board Chairperson, Professor Ernest Kenu, has been honoured with the Prime Minister’s Development Cooperation Awards by the Government of Korea. A statement from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)

Uganda conducts global adult tobacco survey
Joseph Magoola, Epidemiologist (Right) joins a field team to review a field map during mapping and listing of households The African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET) is working in collaboration with

Lancement de la sixième Cohorte de Mauritanie FETP Frontline
Le Réseau Africain d’Épidémiologie de Terrain (AFENET) en collaboration avec le ministère de la Santé de la Mauritanie, a lancé le 16 octobre 2023, la formation de la 6ème cohorte

10 Sierra Leone FETP mentors train on district health information system
Facilitator guides a mentor on how to create a chart AFENET Health Informatics specialist explains the DHIS2 data analysis semantics Sierra Leone has used DHIS2 as a national Health Management