Sierra Leone conducts further training on electronic case-based disease surveillance and COVID-19 rapid diagnostic testing
In a bid to improve Sierra Leone’s scores of Joint External Evaluations (JEE) indicators for surveillance, AFENET is supporting the cascading of electronic Case-Based Disease Surveillance (eCBDS) usage and identification

Mozambique FETP successfully holds second scientific conference
Graduation ceremony of the 6th cohort of MOZ FETP Group photo with participants of the 2nd Scientific Conference of FETP and the recent graduates The Mozambique Field Epidemiology Training Program

AFENET Liberia holds final results dissemination and transition meeting for acute febrile illness project
AFENET – Liberia on 16 August 2023 held a closure and final dissemination and transition meeting for its Acute Febrile Illness (AFI) surveillance project across selected health facilities in Nimba

Senegal frontline FETP Cohort 16 focuses on reproductive health personnel to combat maternal and neonatal mortality
From left to right: Dr Ousmane Dieng (WHO), Dr Mbouna Ndiaye (RA FETP), Dr Barnabé Gning (DGS), Dr Amadou Doucouré (DSME), Dr Boly Diop (DSRV) and Dr Pape Birane Mbodj

Guinée FETP Cohorte 9 frontline atelier 3
Dans le cadre du renforcement de son système de surveillance épidémiologique, le ministère de la santé et de l’hygiène publique de la République de Guinée a adopté le programme de

Mozambique holds training for FETP supervisors to boost efficiency
The Mozambique Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) held a supervisor training from 19 – 23 June 2023. The training was facilitated by Dr. Alexandre Macedo de Oliveira, Associate Director for