Piloting digital tools to collect community level data on Behavior Social Drivers(BeSD) for COVID-19 vaccination project launched in Zambia
Group photo: Meeting participants &stakeholders with Dr. Alex Makupe – Director Clinical care & Diagnostics who represented the permanent secretary Zambia MoH From left to Right-BeSD project Team: Kim Bonner(CDC),

Alumni of Ghana FELTP Receive Presidential Honours Award for Distinguished Service in responding to COVID-19 Pandemic
The Ghana Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Programme was established in October 2007. The programme evolved from a collaboration with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and

Ghana Infodemic Management Project kicks off
Meeting organisers; Left to Right: Donne Ameme, AFENET RTC, Muriel Konne Nuadum (CDC Atlanta) Saviour Nenyonyoge, Gladys Antwi and Joseph Magoola (AFENET) In Ghana (like other countries), as the COVID-19

Sustaining Efforts towards Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus Elimination in Ethiopia
National-level dissemination meeting to review the progress made in eliminating maternal and Neonatal Tetanus in Ethiopia. Ethiopia held a two-day national-level dissemination meeting to review the progress made in eliminating

Health and Economic Impact of Introducing DTP Booster Doses in Uganda: Generating Country-Specific Evidence
The team composed of CDC, MASHA, AFENET and UNEPI-MoH staff discussing the parameters and scenarios to use when working with the DTP booster App Group photo of participants and trainers,

Mali Intermediate FETP Cohort III organise le 3ème atelier de formation
Cérémonie d’Ouverture, présidée le Sous-Directeur de la lutte contre la maladie avec à ses cotés le RA de Mali FETP et le Coordinateur technique régional Afrique de l’Ouest avec les