Sierra Leone FETP graduated its 16th frontline and 7th Intermediate FETP Cohorts

Established in June 2016, the Sierra Leone Field Epidemiology Training Program (SLFETP) is housed under the National Public Health Agency (NPHA), previously the Directorate of Health Security and Emergencies (DHSE), Ministry of Health. AFENET, with technical and financial support from US CDC, is the implementing partner of the SLFETP. Since inception, the SLFETP, has trained and graduated 420 public health professionals (103 at Intermediate and 317 at Frontline FETP level). The graduates conduct applied epidemiology and surveillance activities in the different One Health sectors including human disease and animal disease surveillance, environmental protection agency, public health laboratories, ecological health, and various disease prevention and control programs.
On July 29, 2024, SLFETP graduated its 16th Frontline and 7th Intermediate FETP cohorts with sixteen graduates at Frontline, and 13 at Intermediate level respectively, increasing the total number of frontline and intermediate graduates to 317 and 103 respectively. The Frontline FETP trainees underwent four months of in-service training from March 18 to July 27, 2024, while the Intermediate cohort graduated after a 9-month intensive in-service training from October 17, 2023, to July 26, 2024.
At the graduation, the Resident Advisor, Dr. Gebrekrstos highlighted that the trainees investigated various cases, mainly circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2(cVDPV2), measles, and suspected food poisoning outbreaks. He also indicated that trainees conducted other field projects, including secondary data analysis of maternal mortality, neonatal tetanus, and acute flaccid paralysis. Dr. Gebrekrstos added in his report that the FETP-Intermediate trainees conducted a survey, as a group project, titled: “Knowledge, risk perception, and vaccine acceptance towards Lassa Fever infection among residents of affected and non-affected districts in Sierra Leone: implication for risk communication.” A second study was conducted by one of the intermediate graduates, titled: Burden and predictors of substance abuse among patients with mental disorders admitted to Sierra Leone Physiocratic Hospital, Freetown, Sierra Leone, 2020 -2023. The graduation ceremony audience applauded the oral presentations of these projects, and many expressed their impression of the findings from these field projects. The Resident Advisor reported that 64 abstracts presented at international and regional scientific conferences and various manuscripts published in high-impact peer-reviewed journals had been key successes of the program over the past few years.
Various Senior officials, including his excellency Ambassador Bryan Hunt, Ambassador of the USA to the Republic of Sierra Leone, the Acting Country Director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC) Country Office, Executive Director NPHA; Directors and representatives UN Country agencies and non-governmental organization such as WHO, FAO, GIZ, and HEADA. attended and witnessed the final presentation of field projects and graduation ceremony. Also, the graduation was witnessed by different senior officials from the NPHA and MoH, including Directors, Program Managers, and District Medical Officers (DMOs).