
South Korean Government recognises AFENET Board chair for exceptional work in development cooperation

AFENET Board Chairperson, Professor Ernest Kenu, has been honoured with the Prime Minister’s Development Cooperation Awards by the Government of Korea.

A statement from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Ghana office noted that the prestigious recognition was a testament to Prof Kenu’s significant contributions to development cooperation, particularly through his dedicated work on the Global Health Security Agenda Project.

“Prof. Kenu has been leading the FETP (Field Epidemiology Training Program), a major component in the KOICA Implementation of Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) in Ghana, Phase I (2018-2023, USD 7.5m.). Congratulations, Professor Kenu, on this well-deserved accolade,” the statement concluded.

The GHSA grant came in the wake of Ghana identifying several milestones and activities that the country needed to meet its commitment to the international health regulations (IHR). Channeled through the US CDC, the funds have over the last five years supported laboratory strengthening, workforce development, as well as emergency preparedness and response.

To implement the GHSA in the country, KOICA, US CDC, have been working with the Ghana Health Service, National Public Health Reference, University of Ghana School of Public Health and the World Health Organisation.

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