
Uganda conducts global adult tobacco survey

Joseph Magoola, Epidemiologist (Right) joins a field team to review a field map during mapping and listing of households

The African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET) is working in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), CDC-Foundation and the Uganda Bureau of Statistics to implement Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS).

AFENET was identified by the Uganda health ministry as the lead implementing agency for GATS 2023 in Uganda.

GATS is one of the components of Global Tobacco Surveillance System (GTSS) established by WHO, CDC) and other partners to systematically monitor adult tobacco use (smoking and smokeless) and track key tobacco control interventions.

When completed, the survey will provide nationally representative data on use of tobacco and nicotine products, and knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about tobacco and nicotine products, and tobacco control issues. It is envisaged that the results will support policy makers, programme planners and partners to understand the burden of tobacco and tobacco-related products, and also enhance implementation of the tobacco control programme in Uganda.

Major activities to date:

  • Pre-test: A pre-test exercise was conducted to assess appropriateness of the survey tool, length of questions, difficulty and order and transition of questions. The documents pretested included the following; GATS adapted questionnaire, field interviewer manual and field supervisor manuals. The pre-test also enabled the teams to test all field procedures of the protocol; including identification of households, selection of study respondents, obtaining consent, and interviewing the participants This also provided an opportunity to plan for operational data collection logistics.
  • Mapping and Listing; A field team comprised of UBOS, AFENET, MoH and Makerere University School of Public Health trainers and data collectors was trained and deployed to all 142 districts and 11 cities in Uganda. This team visited 412 Enumeration Areas sampled from around the country, to list households from which respondents will be selected for the interviews.
  • Full Survey Data Collection: a field team has been deployed from 5th November to 15th December, to conduct household interviews. This is currently ongoing.
Group picture of the data collectors being trained prior to deployment for field interview and data collection activities.
A data collector (right) conducting an interview with a selected respondent
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