
DR Congo conducts second workshop for Cohort XIX Frontline FETP

Implemented under a tripartite partnership involving the DR Congo health ministry, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET), the training was conducted from 9 – 11 June 2023.

The training aimed at building the capacity of managers and staff from the ministries of Public Health, Hygiene and Prevention, Fisheries and Livestock, and Environment.

Carried out under the auspices of the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), the programme aims to build the capacity and skills of public health staff at national, intermediate and peripheral levels to detect, investigate and respond to epidemics and other threats to public health.

The training comprised of epidemiological surveillance officers working in the Central Health Zone offices, care structures at peripheral level, the provincial division of fisheries and livestock and that of the environment and sustainable development in the province of Sankuru.

Cohort XIX is made up of 10 doctors in charge of the zone, one medical director, a DPS nurse analyst, one environmental specialist, a medical biologist, a veterinary assistant and five nurse supervisors.

The latter returned to the field to carry out investigations on cases and/or epidemics and a situational analysis of a problem related to data quality in their work sites. The participants’ fieldwork will be presented at Workshop 3 in the first week of August 2023.

Séance de restitution des travaux de terrain 1 par un participant de la cohorte 19 devant les facilitateurs à Tshumbe , le 9 Juin 2023
Séance de restitution des travaux de terrain 1 à l’atelier 2 par une participante de la cohorte 19 devant les facilitateurs à Tshumbe , le 9 Juin 2023
Réunion d’évaluation de la journée par l’équipe de la facilitation composée des Mentors de la C19, de la DSE et AFENET à Tshumbe, le 11/06/2023
Orientation de la Field Co à une participante après qu’elle ait passé le quiz à l’atelier 2 FETP Front line à Tshumbe, le 11/06/2023
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