“Training of epidemiologists aligns with the priorities of Madagascar’s Ministry of Public Health”
Cohort I of the Madagascar Frontline FETP graduated on 14 October 2022. A total of 19 trainees comprising 12 nurses, six medical officers and one laboratory technician selected from 19 districts across 13 regions in the country successfully completed the three-month program.
Officiating at the graduation ceremony, Prof Zely Arivelo Randriamanantany – Minister of Public Health observed that infrastructure, equipment and human resources are critical components of any health care system and lauded the FETP for strengthening the human resource component of the country’s health system.
“When AFENET and CDC launched the partnership, the Minister had no hesitation in accepting to start the training. Capacity building of health personnel is one of the priorities of the Madagascar Ministry of Public Health. The implementation of the President’s Velirano 5 [health for all at all ages] starts with the health personnel,” said Prof Randriamanantany who also congratulated the new frontline epidemiologists upon completion of the training.
Similarly, Dr Hanitriniala Sahondranirina Pâquerette – Director General of the National Institute of Public and Community Health (INSPC) congratulated the graduating residents and commended the efforts of all the partners that made the training successful. She tasked the graduates to apply the skills acquired at their work places and subsequently enroll into the Intermediate FETP.
Dr Herbert Kazoora – AFENET Technical Lead for FETPs who described the graduation as a historic moment for the country, now among 36 African countries implementing the frontline tier of the FETP.
He argued that the training was a critical investment and urged the graduates to put the skills acquired during the training to proper use and continue to contribute to strengthening the country’s health system.
Dr Razafindrazay Paul – the Cohort President rallied his colleagues to put to effective use the competences acquired to the benefit of the Malagasy population, in order to promote the Government’s vision of “health for all.”