Enhanced Data Management Skills and Data Use at Health Facility Level in Sierra Leone
The Directorate of Health Security and Emergencies (DHSE), Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) has successfully implemented electronic disease surveillance systems such as electronic Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (eIDSR)
Sierra Leone decentralizes COVID-19 data management
Health facility staff DHIS2 data entry training. Photo Credit: Yusuf Ajack Practical session: Health facility staff entering COVID-19 Data backlog in Koinadugu. Photo Credit: Yusuf Ajack The first cases of
Mozambique FETP supports floods response in Maputo Province
FETP residents collecting data during a flood response in several accommodation centers in Maputo On February 13, 2023, seven Mozambique FETP residents and graduates from the advanced and frontline programs
Uganda Expanded Program on Immunization revives the EPI Partners’ Technical Coordination Working Group
Uganda National Expanded Programme on Immunization (UNEPI) partners are set to revitalize their technical working group (UNEPI-Partners’ TWG) for effective coordination of country immunization support. This was agreed at
22 nouveaux détectives mauritaniens FETP Frontline pour renforcer la lutte contre les maladies et les événements de santé publique en Mauritanie
Après la Graduation, une photo avec tous les personnalités présentes à cette cérémonie, 03 mars 2023, Hôtel Iman, Nouakchott,Mauritanie La formation de la cinquième cohorte de Mauritanie FETP s’est déroulée
18 health workers graduate from Cohort 2 of Madagascar Frontline FETP
Madagascar commenced the Frontline Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) in 2022 as a partnership between the Ministry of Public Health (MSANP), Africa Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET) and United States Centers