Deuxième atelier de formation de la cinquième cohorte de Mauritanie FETP Frontline
De G-D: Dr Pallawo rayomond Bernard (OMS_Mauritanie), Mohamed Mohamod Ely Mohamed (Directeur Général de la santé publique de Mauritanie, Mme Vatma baba Ahmed (Admin AFENET Mauritanie), Dr Seogo Pedwindé Hamadou

Ghana Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Programme celebrates 15 years
The Ghana Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Programme (GFELTP) organized its 5th Scientific Conference and Competency Graduation from December 13 to December 15, 2022 at the La Palm Royal Beach

AFENET Director calls for increased investment in public health workforce in Africa
Dr Simon Antara making presentation at the meeting. Africa, with a population of 1.34 billion people, needs to quickly train additional 2,803 epidemiologists to meet one of the minimum expected

15 graduate from Lesotho’s Field Epidemiology Training Program
In August 2022, the Lesotho Ministry of Health with technical and financial support from the United States Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC) and the African Field Epidemiology

First cohort of South Africa Intermediate FELTP graduates
Eastern Cape SAFETP Intermediate graduates with trainers, mentors, project managers and directors, November 2022 After nine months in residence, the first cohort of the intermediate tier of the South Africa

Third cohort of Burundi Frontline FETP gets underway
As Burundi continues to bolster its health workforce to counter the high burden of preventable and treatable diseases, the 3rd Cohort of 21 trainees of the Frontline FETP was inaugurated